Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Goulais (Buttermilk) HSPA Site On-Line 21 Jun 11

The Goulais (Buttermilk) 3G/4G HSPA service came on line on 21 Jun 11.

This means that three sites in the North Sault area are now providing 3G/4G HSPA service – Bellevue, Goulais (Buttermilk) and Heyden.

These sites use 3G/4G technology that is compatible with the Rogers network hardware as well as hardware procured from Tbaytel.

Bell/Telus 2G/2.5G CDMA compatible hardware will continue to work in that mode but Bell/Telus 3G/4G HSPA hardware will not work.

The plan to roll-out of additional HSPA sites at Searchmont and along the Hwy 17 corridor will continue over the summer. Exact dates are not available at this time.

There is still no date as to when the Goulais (Buttermilk) Canopy fixed wireless broadband (high speed Internet) will be in service.