This blog was created to keep stakeholders aware of ICT activities in the Algoma District. Disclaimer: This information is for information purposes only. It is not a recommendation or endorsement of any company or organization. THe Author does not receive compensation from the vendors or manufacturers mentioned in the articles. Financial and technical references are considered accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
CRTC Broadband Report Issued
The CRTC issued its Broadband Report dated November 2011 The statistics cited are for the year 2010.
I think some of the cited statistics are going to make you cry or laugh or sit back in awe!
Searchmont's HSPA upgrade is coming online today. The wireless canopy speed tests show an increase rates at my home today after the majority of the infrastructure was put in place yesterday.
Searchmont's HSPA upgrade is coming online today. The wireless canopy speed tests show an increase rates at my home today after the majority of the infrastructure was put in place yesterday.