Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Upgrade to Goulais (Buttermilk) Cell Site.

Tbaytel will be carrying out major infrastructure upgrades to the Goulais (Buttermilk) cell site and tower on, Monday, 18 Jun 2012. The work will require that the cell site be taken off the air from 0530 – 2130 (5:00 AM to 9:30 PM). The period may be shorter if the work proceeds well. In case of inclement weather the alternate date is Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012.

The work to be done includes new antennas, reorientation of the coverage pattern and the addition of a second carrier.

I would appreciate receiving feedback about the impact of the changes after they are completed.


  1. Do you know if similar / further work is planned for other sites(Batchawana, Ryan, etc.)

  2. The only North Sault cell site scheduled for upgrade at this time is Goulais (buttermilk). This is likely because it is the only one that has monopole or stick antennas. The other sites use panel antennas which have a better capability to adjust the signal lobes amongst other benefits.

  3. Thanks for the updates
