Friday, 12 August 2011

Goulais (Buttermilk) Canopy Site Update as of 12 Aug 11

I received written confirmation that the Goulais (Buttermilk) Canopy service will be launched on Monday, 15 Aug 11.

This means all three components of the site – 2/2.5 CDMA, 3G/4G HSPA, and Canopy fixed wireless broadband – will be operational.


  1. I signed up with Rogers and am getting nothing...nadda...must be someone else available to buy this service through.

  2. I need to know the location where you are trying to receive the service before I can provide further advice. If you wish to provide a location you may contact me by private e-mail at

  3. Tbaytel has customers using HSPA netcomm hubs in Goulais, so this must be a user related issue.

  4. Anonymous wrote:
    “Tbaytel has customers using HSPA netcomm [sic] hubs in Goulais, so this must be a user related issue.” This has some validity if the user is trying to use a data hub.

    As the system under discussion is wireless, the rules of radio wave propagation need to be taken into account. This is particularly true in an area like Goulais where the varying terrain can play havoc with the radio waves.

    This is one of the reasons I asked the author of the first comment to contact me directly so I could verify the location and hardware before offering any concrete suggestions. There are places in Goulais and area, sometime within a couple of kilometres of a cell site that cannot receive a cell signal directly. Sometimes an external antenna can help get a data hub signal. Fortunately, there are third party entrepreneurs that can provide this service.

    We know for sure that depending exactly where a user is located in Goulais River, the customer may actually be getting service from the Ryan, Batchawana, Bellevue, or Heyden tower sites.
    Tbaytel offers the Rocket Hub NetComm Liberty series and it is being used successfully in the Goulais area. ( All Tbaytel agents ( sell the product but I personally would only support the agent serving my area of service.

    Rogers offers the NetComm 3G10WVR2 and the NetComm 3G25W-R and they too are being used successfully in the Goulais area. (

    The Tbaytel NetComm Liberty series and the Rogers NetComm 3G10WVR2 are essentially the same product. They have a theoretically download speed of 7.2 Mbps, a wireless router built-in, 2 LAN ports and 1 telephone jack.

    The NetComm 3G25W-R differs in that it has theoretically download speed of 21 Mbps, a wireless router built-in, 4 LAN port and does not have a telephone jack. The 21 Mbps capability is currently not available in the Goulais River area so the unit operates at the theoretical maximum of 7.2 Mbps.
