Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Deferral Account Information as of 03 Apr 12

This is the follow-up to my blog of 22 Feb 12 on the Deferral Account situation.
Bell submitted the required annual report to the CRTC dated 30 Mar12. It was notable for its lack of detail, in particular the omission of any community names and a detailed schedule. The following is taken from the report published on the CRTC web site.
4. Broadband IP networks have been extended to 22 of the approved communities in 2011 in support of the future provision of broadband services to those areas. These fibre optic networks are being engineered with full diversity to ensure a level of service that will be equal to what is currently available in the rest of the network. The Companies are in the process of completing similar work for another 46 communities during 2012.

5. Finally, Bell Canada is in the process of modifying its processes and systems to be able to provide the approved retail wireless broadband services to the approved areas, and plans on completing this work by the end of this year. Bell Canada expects to start offering its wireless broadband services to some of the approved communities by the end of this year or early next year. At this time, the Companies are unable to provide a precise roll-out plan for this program.

My interpretation of the above is that Bell is reneging on its policy of wireless only for new broadband (high speed) Internet installations and is installing fibre optic based networks in 68 of the Deferral Account communities but no locations are specified. I suspect they are the communities on the suburban fringe of major market areas and to some degree are accounted for by new urban sprawl since the original Deferral Account plan submissions. At the moment, I have no way to determine if any areas in the Algoma District are affected.
I will continue to monitor the project and publish information as it becomes available.

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