As required by federal regulations for new tower construction, Bell Mobility posted a notice of public consultation in the 13 Aug 11 edition of the Sault Star for a tower in the Nokomis Beach area of SSM .

The new Nokomis Beach location, like the previously reviewed Carpin Beach Rd. location, is clearly within the SSM-Airport Deferral Account area. Bell appears to be going ahead with the projects in spite of fact the appeal by Rogers to the Governor-in-Council is still pending and the counter legal appeal by Bell is not scheduled to be heard until mid-September 2011.
As a reminder, the Deferral Account program is 3G/4G HSPA based. While the original Bell submission to and approved by the CRTC had a special tariff provision, it is unknown if the appeal process will impact on the special tariff plans.
Bell also announced two other towers in the SSM area in the same edition of the Sault Star. These are not Deferral Account sites.