Tuesday, 31 August 2010

CRTC Approves Bell Deferral Account Funds for Broadband but Directs Bell to Use DSL Technology


In Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-637 released on Tuesday, 31 Aug 10, the Commission approved the use of $306.3M of Bell Deferral Account money to provide DSL based broadband (high speed) Internet service in the selected service areas. This would appear to nullify the Bell Canada submission to provide the coverage using 3G HSPA technology.

Particulars concerning the implementation schedule and other details are not available to me at this time.

I consider today’s decision a significant move forward and a better technical solution for broadband (high speed) Internet delivery to the users in the selected Deferral Account areas.

While I welcome this decision, it is not unknown for affected parties to initiate appeals that could slow down the implementation process.   

I will post additional information as it becomes available on the ADnet web site and the ADnet blog over the next few days.

The Deferral Account areas in the Algoma District are SSM-Airport (Pointes areas), Wawa, Goulais, Echo Bay and St. Joseph Island.