Monday, 30 January 2012

Data Hub Data Prices Caps as of 30 Jan 12

Comments and e-mails have once again raised the issue of data hub charges. The chart shows a price comparison based on information from the vendors’ website as of 30 Jan 2012 supplemented in some cases by correspondence with the vendors. There were a number of changes in 2011.

This information is only provided as a  general outline for quick reference and does not supersede the actual vendor contracts.   Users are encouraged to read their contracts in detail and ask questions to ensure they understand the terms and conditions that are applicable.

These prices are subject to change without warning and should only be used as a guide.

  Bell  Rogers Tbaytel
Top Tier Cap 10 GB 15 GB 20 GB
Top Tier Costs $70 $103.86 $75
Cost per Additional GB* $15** $10*** $50
Maximum Overage Billing Cap  N/A $50 N/A
Maximum Total Cost Open Ended $153.86 Open Ended
Total GB for $150.00 15.3 GB 20 GB  21.5 GB
Cost of Additional GB after $150 $15 $0 $50

* Bell quote $.015  per MB and Tbaytel quotes $.05 per MB. I have converted the rate to GB for ease of comparison.

** Bell provides a warning once the user is near the cap and before applying the additional GB charges.

*** Based on my personal experience, Rogers charges for a full GB even if the overage is only a few MB.


  1. Once again tbaytel, the little engine that could, is the best deal.

  2. Tbaytel does indeed offer a very attractive pricing plan for some Algomians. Based on a recent CRTC report, the average residential user is downloading around 14.5 GB per month and uploading around 3.5 GB per month for a total data transfer of around 18 GB. (These figures are likely somewhat skewed as the data I saw did not distinguish amongst cable, DSL and Mobile users.) Thus the average user is below the Tbaytel top tier cap. This is a good thing and could work out well for the people that are in the Tbaytel coverage area.

    However it only takes a few HD movie downloads to drastically change the picture. If movies or other high data volumes applications are the main use of the connectivity, then the top tier cap of all carriers comes into play relatively quickly. If we assume that the average HD movie comes in at around 2 GB, which I consider to be on the low side, then approximately 10 movies a month uses up the top tier cap limit and the price per MB or GB kicks in. With the current price structure, this changes the value for money equation.

    The user needs to give some thought to what their usage pattern will be, compare carriers, and select the one that will best serve their needs.

    Note; This blog discussion only addresses the data transfer issue. The hardware costs also need to be considered as part of the cost structure.
